Crediting and use of services
This website and its contents are protected by copyright laws for intellectual property of May 12th 1961. The site owner has the right to use images and text used on this website. If you wish to use content you find on our site you must first contact the site owner to obtain permission. For some content copyright may be linked to external individuals or organizations. The site owner will then indicate this by request. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material under copyright may result in civil liability.
Photo credits and copyright
Our website is always seeking to credit the photographer under existing agreements. Our website is operated by users and businesses extensively uploading images, text, video and more. The site owner is not responsible for the content of information or data uploaded or stored on the Site by any user and business, including reliability or accuracy. The site owner accepts no liability for any images, text, video and other material that infringes another person or company, but will immediately and no later than two business days remove material after the site's owner has been made aware of the violation.
The site owner is solely responsible for the contents of the database and updates and seek to keep the site the most current and correct. The site owner has nevertheless no responsibility for incorrect or incomplete information in the database. Use of the website can not claim compensation for errors or interruptions. The site owner has no liability for losses relating to data corruption, interruption, accuracy of information, misuse or equivalent.
Privacy Policy
All information about the visits to our web site are logged anonymously. The information that is logged can not be traced to any individual. The purpose of the information is to provide a more user friendly solution. The website uses so called "cookies", where information is stored in a information file. Information from your computer is sent to our measurement tools when you access our website. This is standard procedure and something most sites do. The traffic on the web is measured with scripts from Google Analytics. Please note that you can delete the "cookies" , follow the instructions for deleting cookies in your browser.
Users and businesses connected to this site have the responsibility to maintain and protect the given ID and password. Users shall not permit third parties the use of user ID and password. Users shall immediately notify the site owner and must follow its instructions if the user discovers that his ID or password is used by third parties without the approval or authorization.
The site owner can at any time request the user to change the password or perform other necessary actions to protect the personal information of the user and prevent illegal use of the Services . Customers should immediately complete such requests.